
A brief history of Niantic Labs, the makers of Pokémon Go

A brief history of Niantic Labs, the makers of Pokémon Go
// TechCrunch

Niantic Labs, a small gaming company previously owned by Google, has gone from a somewhat obscure gaming shop to one of the most prominent developers overnight. The company launched Pokémon Go in July 2016, the first very long-awaited smartphone version of a Pokémon game. After holding out for nearly a decade, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have finally unleashed one of its most…


#SaveTwitter: How the fake hashtag created fears Twitter was shutting down

journal des reseaux (@_le_fil_)
#news =) #SaveTwitter: How the fake hashtag created fears Twitter was shutting down: The people of Twitter ar... on.mash.to/2aJQjjb

Rio 2016 : pourquoi la piscine olympique est devenue verte

Lundi dernier, la piscine olympique destinée aux épreuves de plongeon a viré au vert et aucune explication officielle n’est disponible pour le moment. Les organisateurs ont souligné qu’après les tests, l’eau ne constitue pas un danger pour les athlètes.